
The Rotary Club of Seminole will offer $25,000 in scholarships this coming year to worthy candidates in our local area. Working closely with the Pinellas Education Foundation, candidates are identified using different criteria taking into account the candidates GPA, Academic merit, financial need, volunteerism and community service. Scholarships to vocational schools are considered and awarded as well.



The Rotary Club of Seminole sponsors up to four students every year to attend a one-week Seminar for Tomorrows Leaders to prepare them for becoming a leader for tomorrow. S4TL is a powerful leadership training program for high school students. It is organized annually by a board of directors of Rotarian senior staff from Districts 6890, 6950 and 6960 in mid-Florida. This award-winning program is capable of transforming the lives of these young leaders.

Each Rotary club in the three districts may sponsor a delegate to the sessions. A total of 160 delegates were registered to attend this year.

One unique feature of S4TL is the "rap sessions" where the leaders of tomorrow are divided into groups of 16-18 delegates. They meet with Rotarians to discuss topics of interest to them. No holds are barred, and both groups learn from one another.

Ambassadorial Scholarship

Each new year, our club to promotes international understanding and goodwill though study in other countries. We will be offering scholarships through the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International to a scholar selected from our District 6950.

Candidate needs to be a full time college or university student for three or more years and have language skills in the culture of the intended country. Scholars may be putting their formal education on hold. However, funding can range from $14,000 to $26,000 to help with tuition, selected room and board and some educational supplies.

Scholar(s) will be expected to serve as an ambassador for Rotary between countries while living the Rotary motto: "SERVICE ABOVE SELF".